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Office Privacy Lightweight Partitions

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The Location

Office Workspace

The Challenge

Portable Privacy Walls in Between Employees

The Solution

In an open office setting, employees can cause many distractions for one another. From loud phone calls to the uncomfortable feeling of being “watched,” it can be challenging to get work done. These examples are reasons that office privacy is incredibly vital for efficiency and some mental health components as well. However, it can be a challenge to install complete cubicles when there is a lack of space and money. For this reason, using an economical portable room divider can help create adaptable privacy in the office environment.

As shown in the picture, the Healthflex Divider from Screenflex is an excellent lightweight partition for the office. These screens fit in small rooms best since they only come in either three or five panels. Easy to place between two desks, and fold accordion-style to close back up if needed. There are also a few fabric options that can fit any need. Our Designer fabrics are easily tackable and are best for displaying notices or decorations to make each employee’s space their own. Meanwhile, the Vinyl fabrics are easy to clean and can have an antimicrobial agent added to them as well. For an economical, portable device that enhances office privacy, Screenflex Dividers are the superior option.

Divide Office Space • Limit Distractions • Reduce Noise

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