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Office Dividers in the Home

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The Location

Home Office

The Challenge

Create Privacy in an Open Layout Home Office

The Solution

In the past five to ten years, working from home has become more and more common. In theory, this new adjustment to the workforce helps create a work-life balance and also limit stress. However, there are also studies that show the benefits of keeping work and home separate. For this reason, people who consistently work from home should have a designated space or a home office. To limit distractions or create privacy from other home inhabitants, workers should set up Healthflex dividers for their home offices.

The Healthflex dividers pictured above are both lightweight and durable at the same time. These are some of Screenflex’s lightest partitions since they don’t have the trademark steel end frame. The casters along the bottom allow these screens to easily move from room to room. The panels fold accordion-style so the divider can either set in a straight line as shown, or can bend for a unique look. Many of Screenflex’s fabrics are also tackable which can help make your home office dividers double as a decorative piece as well. These screens help create a room within a room to give home employees the privacy they need.

Divide Office Space • Limit Distractions • Reduce Noise

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