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Moveable Walls Used as a Portable Scoreboard

The Location

The Cliffs at Keowee Vineyards

The Challenge

Need to display golf results for tournaments and the club house

The Solution

What a joy it was to work with the staff at The Cliffs of Keowee Vineyards.  Our sales staff listened as the head golf professional explained their need to display player/team results for the many golf tournaments they host.  The Screenflex Portable Room Dividers are designed with a cardboard honeycomb core surrounded by two layers of fiberglass insulation with a fabric or vinyl covering.  This design allows you to tack, pin or staple items on to the panels without causing any damage to the unit.  An added bonus the Cliffs enjoy is the self-leveling caster wheels that allow the moveable walls to remain stable as they are rolled and used throughout the facility.

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