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Movable Walls for Privacy at VFW Halls

The Location


The Solution

To help VFW halls give their members their own “space” for their monthly breakfast meeting, the restaurant at this manager at a VFW hall rolls Screenflex portable walls into place to create a private dining area.  With Screenflex Room Dividers, it is easy to offer classic and comfortable rooms for hosting both large and small groups in a semi-private area.  Arrange the room divider around ample amount of tables and chairs and enjoy.

Screenflex Room Dividers ~ The Solution For VFW Dining Halls

.Sturdy, durable and long-lasting, Screenflex portable walls are available in 36 heights and lengths and 38 color choices. Units ship fully assembled and ready to use.

Manage the space in your facility with Screenflex. Call us today at 800-553-0110 for a quote or to get a list of customers in your area

Last Updated:
By: Kathy