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Office Privacy Screens

Market: Office
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The Location


The Challenge

Create a hallway in an office for additional privacy

The Solution

The Benefits of Using Office Privacy Screens

Open office space sounds ideal on paper, but the sounds from phone conversations or meetings can often be a disruption to others. Using Screenflex dividers as office privacy screens allow you to divide an office into workstations while absorbing sound. The sound absorbing panels are constructed with a cardboard honeycomb core surrounded by multiple layers of fiberglass insulation that provide it with the sound absorbing qualities. The panels are covered with the fabric style and color of your choice. Customers can choose from our 38 colors and 36 room divider sizes to create the right room divider for their needs.

The self-leveling caster wheels allow you to move the walls into the desired space and shape for the ultimate office privacy. The dividers can be arranged as a straight, curved, L-shape or U-shaped wall. Here the walls are positioned to create a hallway and sound barrier between an open office space and individual offices. The walls prevent sound from carrying into the offices along with obstructing the view directly into the offices from the entrance. The possibilities are endless with Screenflex Portable Room Dividers! Our sales staff will assist you in determining the right-sized open office privacy screen for your needs and space.





Divide Office Space • Limit Distractions • Reduce Noise

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