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Assisted Living Contingency Plan

Assisted living is an excellent resource for seniors and their families. These facilities offer many services that make the residents feel as much at home as possible. However, in the times of a pandemic, many of these amenities may not still be available. During current times of the COVID-19 outbreak, assisted living facilities could benefit from a contingency plan to keep seniors healthy.

What’s included in the cost of assisted living?

Assisted living facilities, on average, costs about $4000 a month. Resources like long term care insurance and social security can help pay for it, but it’s still important to know what your money covers. Typically at these establishments, there is a base pay that covers basic living essentials, but for additional medical services, you may have to pay a la carte.

The services provided help the seniors maintain their lives as naturally as possible within their new home. Depending on the location, this could include a variety of amenities. Typically, in the base pay mentioned above, assistance with daily living such as bathing, dressing, eating, toileting, etc. is essential. Other services typically have to do with stimulating either the mind or body. From exercise and wellness programs to organized recreational activities, there is something for everyone.

  • Exercise

These programs are just as crucial for the residents as their basic functional needs. It’s a long-known fact that exercise and movement of the body are essential for good health at all ages. Not only does exercise benefit the body physically, but the endorphins from it help mental health as well. Depression frequently occurs within the older population, and movement can help keep their minds and bodies healthier for longer.

Other vital services for the residents are the ones that give them a social outlet. Since even the most introverted people still need support from others, organized social events are a commonly offered service. Such events include group dinners, game nights, and even field trips depending on the a la carte package that the residents are paying for. For some residents, scheduled group meals are what they look forward to as the only social experience of their day.

What happens in an epidemic?

Since assisted living and other senior care facilities are an incubator for germs and illnesses, it’s common for outbreaks of disease to occur. In this case, assisted living facilities need to have a contingency plan keeping residents safe but also maintain their mental and physical health. In times like the COVID-19 Pandemic, a new system is especially necessary. Some senior care facilities are currently keeping their residents in their rooms/apartments for all their activities. Meals are delivered to them, and if they need physical therapy or one on one care, that also takes place in the room as well. Residents cannot see their friends within the facility, nor can family members come to visit unless they are outside of a window.

assisted living contingency plan clear dividers


Contingency Plan

Since socializing and keeping the mind busy is such an important part of mental health, cutting out a person’s social time could be detrimental to them. While their physical safety and health is the top priority, mental health and prevention of depression should be a close second. There needs to be a way to allow them to socialize without putting them at risk of disease. Portable Room Dividers by Screenflex can help.

Screenflex freestanding dividers have a variety of options that can fit most rooms. By placing the Clear Dividers in between residents, they can still hang out with each other. Having a see-through barrier allows people to communicate with one another while acting as another line of defense between germs. Other Screenflex acoustical room dividers can create a closed-off area for a couple of residents. In this area, they can socialize while also maintaining an appropriate distance between each other and others. They can still wear a mask to prevent more germs from spreading as well.


This contingency plan can help assisted living residents maintain social distancing during this pandemic or future outbreaks as well. In any severe epidemic, extra safety protocols are necessary. For outbreaks lasting several months, these added measures can help allow socializing and aid the ultimate health of the residents.

Divide Rooms • Reduce Noise • Display Materials

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