Call us now 855-960-6020

COVID-19 Update & New Practices

Customer satisfaction and employee safety are two of our top priorities here at Screenflex. During this public health crisis, we remain dedicated to providing high-quality dividers and barriers. Even though the ‘Shelter-in-Place’ Order is active in Illinois and other areas of the United States, we stay open for manufacturing your medical screens and other partitions to help with quarantine and physical distancing. Since worrying about contamination is common in times of a pandemic, we are taking the CDC Guidelines very seriously as we work and have changed some of our procedures to stay healthy. Here are some additional practices we have in place to ensure that your product is in the best hands before arriving at your business.

Healthflex Room Divider separating hospital bedsSocial Distancing

From our warehouse to our office, we are keeping an appropriate distance of 6 feet away from each other. We are not shaking hands, sharing food, or touching unnecessary objects. We have also rescheduled meetings, so our employees don’t have to sit too close to each other

Added Cleaning Schedules

Since we remain working with each other in person, we have increased our daily cleaning schedule around the office. Commonly touched surfaces such as door handles, bathrooms, and lunchroom tables/ food counters are all receiving extra attention as we take time out of our day to sanitize them. All of our workspaces are also cleaned daily.

Extra Handwashing

Not only are we cleaning surfaces frequently, but we are also taking even more personal responsibility for our own hygiene. Since personal sanitation is one of the best deterrents to this virus, we are making it a priority. We can guarantee that all of us are washing our hands religiously and covering our mouths if/when we sneeze.

We take pride in our products, and these new practices are only an addition to our current high-end production standards. Our dividers are also manufactured and shipped from right here in the United States. We look forward to serving you and your hospital in this time of need by providing high-quality medical screens and barriers. For more information on our products, please contact our sales reps and they will assist you.

Divide Rooms • Reduce Noise • Display Materials

Browse Room Dividers


Call Us Now: 855-960-6020