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Screenflex Helps at a Start Up Church

Seven Classrooms in a start up church

Screenflex helps at a Start Up Church

Seven Classrooms

Screenflex helps at a Start Up Church

Efficiency is a good thing. On average a start up church begins with building a single room once the funds are available. This room commonly called the multi-purpose room, needs to be used for many activities such as; worship services, Easter and Christmas pageants, Awana programs, Sunday school classes and more. Obviously, at times, the room needs to be open for certain activities such as worship services and subdivided at other times such as Sunday school classes. In many, many churches since the very early 1990s, the way to subdivide these large open areas is with acoustical portable walls made in the U.S.A. by Screenflex. This is precisely what has been done at Mill Church. Several portable partitions are used to subdivide the large room as needed for certain programs and folded away for storage when not needed.

Last Updated:
By: Kathy


Browse Room Dividers


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