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Even Zoos Use Screenflex Dividers

Odd Shaped Room at the Texas Zoo

Texas Zoo use Screenflex Dividers

Odd Shaped Room

Even Zoos use Screenflex Dividers

Demonstration how a Texas Zoo uses Room Dividers

When the officials at a large Texas Zoo needed to create 7 classrooms in their educational center without breaking their budget or losing the integrity of the open space they need for certain programs, they turned to Screenflex for help. One of our more unique plans was created to accommodate their needs to create several rooms inside their educational center which they could set up or take down in minutes. The fact that the acoustical portable walls are tack-able is a big benefit as well. The acoustical panels easily accept either thumb tacks, staples, or push pins. The materials needed for the lesson being taught can easily be affixed to the panels. As an added benefit to these portable partitions, if staples are used, the portable partitions can be folded up for storage without removing the paperwork/lessons from the acoustical panels.

Last Updated:
By: Kathy


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