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A Free Planning Service With Screenflex Portable Room Dividers

Screenflex Room Dividers~Offering Free Planning Service for Your Room Divider Needs

How do I know if my room dividers will fit in the space I have? How many room dividers will I need? What room divider length should I choose for my room? These are commonly asked questions. Let our Screenflex design consultants prepare FREE design plans for you.  Our complimentary planning service will help you choose the best product for your facility. Screenflex designers can take the guesswork out of your room divider purchase.

Here’s how you can get your free plans for your facility:

  1. Start by sending us a rough sketch of how you would like your space to be divided.  Include room dimensions.
  2. Tell us what you would like done by filling out our information form.
  3. Our designers will generate a 2D or 3D plan based on your needs.
Screenflex will make your facility more versatile than you’ve ever imagined possible.  It’s easy and it’s free. Contact our Screenflex office to find out more about our free planning service.


Browse Room Dividers


Call Us Now: 855-960-6020