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Screenflex Window Option

While our customers typically buy our products to create separation in their rooms, sometimes they still need visibility to what happens on the other side. Screenflex has a couple of options that can make the necessary visibility when this need arises. When using a Standard Room Divider or any other temporary wall-like product, the best option is to add a window to one or two panels.

What is the Screenflex Window Option made from?

This window panel is made from a durable, non-yellowing plexiglass material. This acrylic surface is also shatter-resistant to minor forces. Teachers, pastors, and other facility managers can add windows to their divider panels or even a Screenflex Door option. Most customers prefer to add it to the door, so they can see the space they are about to enter as they do it.

How many sizes are available?

Screenflex offers three sizes of their plexiglass window option: 10″ x 10″, 20″ x 24″, and 20″ x 48″.

What are the best scenarios for using the window option?

Since customers use our products differently, sometimes utilizing a window instead of an entire plexiglass partition is the better option. The clear plexiglass divider is a freestanding portable wall made entirely of see-through acrylic. These partitions are great for situations where a physical barrier is necessary but so is unrestricted visibility. On the other hand, a window is beneficial when your facility needs privacy in a dedicated area but just a small amount of vision capable to the other side.

For example, daycares and kid spaces in churches and other buildings will typically need temporary walls. A visual barrier like a partition can help children focus on what’s in their room and not on activities in the rest of the space. The window option on these dividers lets adults/ teachers keep their kids contained while still having visibility if they have to step out.

Customer case studies- Gateway Church & Murdock Baptist Church

One of our customers, Gateway Church, ordered room dividers to section off their multipurpose room. For one event in particular called Gateway Kids, the walls create separation and privacy for the children. Then on the swinging door panels, as mentioned above, these church leaders added two 10″ x 10″ windows. The dividers help enclose the kids and their activities but allow the supervision of everything going on. These gray partitions with the window feature make the space seem entirely separate.

Tables and chairs in front of long gray room dividers

Gateway Church Using Dividers and Windows for Their Kids’ Space

Another example of using windows is from a customer at Murdock Baptist Church. These church leaders created a welcome area with their Screenflex room dividers. They placed two dividers at a 90-degree angle from their perspective walls, as shown below, to make a room-like appearance. Behind the temporary walls are couches and chairs for guests to lounge comfortably. The windows were added to a couple of panels to allow light to come in and for staff to see if anyone was using the space.

Tan room dividers partially surrounding a seating area by an outdoor entrance

Dividers and Windows Used for a Welcome Center at Murdock Baptist Church

In general, the Screenflex windows can help offer your space more light options, visibility, and customization to fit your needs.

Divide Rooms • Reduce Noise • Display Materials

Browse Room Dividers


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