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University Art Show

The Location

Bob Jones University- Greenville, SC

The Challenge

Relocate and display college students' artwork

The Solution

When you have to move the location of your university art show, portable devices are essential. For this reason, the educators at Bob Jones University sought out movable room dividers from Screenflex. When it comes to an art show, viewers come for an experience— not just the art. Therefore, the facility itself needs to be artistic. As shown, these freestanding partitions create a variety of shapes within their space which makes the display itself almost as interesting as the artwork on them.

After the show:

Since these panels all have a tackable fabric on them, all of the artwork pinned to them can detach after the university art show without damage. Then, because of the accordion-style folding feature, these partitions can close compactly in a two ft by three ft space for easy storage. These partitions can either store out of the way until your next show or you can reuse them for other purposes around your facility. For example, our contact at Bob Jones said before their show said they used their dividers to create a cubicle space for “gathering and jurying” before the show. They were quickly and efficiently able to unfurl the dividers and move them to the desired art show location in the university afterward.

Divide Rooms • Reduce Noise • Display Art

Browse Art Display Dividers


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