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What Else Can I Use My Plexiglass For?

Since early 2020, plexiglass has become a standard item in the medical field, restaurants, stores, and other public-facing facilities. Even though these transparent acrylic surfaces work great as these germ barriers, as proven in the pandemic, their list of other uses is endless. These days especially as we continue to move towards normality, people are looking for ways to recycle their newly obtained plexiglass. Here are some other excellent uses for acrylic barriers in your facility in addition to limiting contagion.

Viewing Safety Barriers

In a place like NASA, where there is dangerous and evolving equipment, your public could use a see-through barrier for safety. Screenflex acrylic wall dividers, in particular, can protect a crowd of people from any loose items flying their way without obstructing their sightlines. Display new drones or other new advancements in technology easily with these dividers. Since Screenflex Plexiglass Partitions are 6’2″ in height and also freestanding, they can easily shield the average person. With the new lengths added to the Clear Divider line, facilities can cover more space than ever before. Mix and match panel lengths of one, three, five, or seven panels to create the desired length 

Restaurants/ Breweries

Breweries are excellent facilities for people to tour, try samples, and overall get a fun experience. However, just like any facility that offers tours, there needs to be durable and easily adaptable crowd control. By utilizing our freestanding plexiglass partitions, you can create the boundary that you need around potentially dangerous equipment. These partitions also work great as general crowd control barriers. While the equipment may not necessarily be hazardous for the general public, it could be fragile and need protection. Therefore having a clear barricade in place protects both the customers and the expensive equipment from any harm. 

Writable Surface: 

This surface is writable with a wet-erase marker. The intended purpose of this feature was for teachers to give their students a movable and adaptable classroom addition. This feature can help kids collaborate with other students or give them a semi-permanent display of information. List learning topics of the week, simple motivational reminders, or even highlight a student of the week— The possibilities are endless! When the panels need to be used again, you can easily reset them for the next task. To clean the acrylic, use a wet-erase or cleaning solvent to wipe them down and remove the residue. 

Lunchroom Menus

Another way to incorporate these portable plexiglass walls in schools or other facility cafeterias is to write the lunch/food menus on them. The wet-erase compatibility ensures that the writing will stay on the panels for as long as you want them. You can easily display the lunch of the week or day and clean off the boards when you are finished.


Stained Glass

If you are looking to do an art project with students or even for an event, you can make your own stained glass. One technique to do this is to mix clear glue and food coloring as the paint. Here are the steps:

  1. First, create a template of a design and use puffy black paint to outline the desired shape.
  2. Then use your new glue and food coloring mixture as “paint” to fill in the design.
  3. Mix new colors until you have the amount desired. Fill in the rest of the space as needed.

It’s that simple! This project can be very stimulating for both kids and adults and give you art to display for a long time afterward.

While this can be a fun project, it is essential to note that this technique is relatively permanent. To use your Screenflex Dividers again for other things afterward, remember to use only wet-erase writing tools on it. You could also do this project on smaller, disposable plexiglass sheets and tape them to a Screenflex Clear Divider for a display. This technique will allow the light to come through without permanent damage to the freestanding panels.

Frosted Option

Another option of our plexiglass panels is frosting half or all of them. Our Frosted Divider allows light to pass through while offering some privacy. This feature could work in an office where there aren’t any windows inside of the room. By utilizing a frosted or half frosted divider or wall, you offer some privacy to employees while still giving them natural light. This detail in your workplace can help make your employees focus better and improve their overall job satisfaction.

The list goes on for other uses of plexiglass. As the world eventually moves forward from clear sneeze barriers, these screens can continue to be of use for decades to come.

Divide Rooms • Reduce Noise • Display Materials

Browse Room Dividers


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