Teacher Appreciation Week Kudos From Screenflex!
Market: Education

Screenflex Room Dividers Says Thank You, Teachers!
Several months back, maybe even longer, I stumbled upon an article that brought me to tears. The title intrigued me, so the mother in me had to find out what was written on the other side of the link. And even though I’ve read it before, it still makes me a little emotional thinking about it. The article is titled, Why I Hated Meredith’s First Grade Teacher.
At first I was angry. I thought that something happened to someone’s little girl. I found it a bit odd though because there’s not a first-grade teacher that I have know that hasn’t been an absolute doll.

Teacher Appreciation!
Going back in time is what I loved about this article. It brought me back to my daughter and son’s first day of school. Do you remember how you felt when you walked into the classroom? There’s a feeling of excitement and nervousness. You want them to grow up, but you are hesitant to leave them. They have fun and make friends they love their teacher, and all is okay.
Loved how she writes, “We give our most precious and priceless to you – dear teachers”. Our feelings are exactly that.
I don’t want to give it away, but we wish for our kids, the feelings that Meredith felt about her first-grade teacher. And we promise not to get too jealous.
To all the wonderful teachers in the world, we salute you! Screenflex Room Dividers says thank you, teachers! You love, nurture and spend more time with our kids during the week than we get to ourselves. Thank you for treating them like your own. You’ll have a big hand in making our kids who they will become. Thank you for the past nine months! We appreciate all you do. Screenflex Room Dividers gives you a big salute!
A big Teacher Appreciation Week Kudos to all of my kids teachers this year!