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In-House Meeting Privacy

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The Location

Keim Lumber- Charm, OH

The Challenge

Offer clients in-house meeting privacy

The Solution

Why do facilities need room dividers? In many places, the building is designed for all the necessary activities, but there are always situations when you need to adapt. Sometimes you need privacy in your office for a meeting, or you want sound absorption with your furniture. For this reason, room dividers are an essential tool for any industry. Screenflex Room Dividers, in particular, are some of the best partitions on the market.

Although Screenflex offers a variety of products that can fit any facility, the most popular is the Standard Room Divider. The photo displays a nine-panel (16’9″ long) and six ft tall Standard unit in Designer Stone fabric. This screen holds in place because the corner casters and position control hinges lock in the desired position. These features allow you to keep the partition in the same shape until you want to change it. In addition to meeting or classroom privacy, you can easily tack posters and other items to panels which is a massive benefit for schools or art display purposes. Customers from all industries agree that the best way to partition your space is to use Screenflex portable room dividers.

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