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Group Instruction Space

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The Location

Spring Garden Elementary

The Challenge

Small Group Instruction Space

The Solution

A space in a school can have a variety of uses. When there is no additional room available, some schools can even venture into hallways to create their own. Spring Garden Elementary School is an example of this. The teachers at this school needed a group instruction space but had to get creative with where to put it. Through connecting with the representatives at Screenflex Portable Room Dividers, they were able to come up with a solution that worked for everyone.

Spring Garden Elementary shows how they use the Standard Room Dividers in these photos. These 13-panel partitions are 7’4″ in height and connect to make a semi-private room. These panels are sound-absorbing to help control the noise from any commotion in the hallway. Each teacher that uses the space can display materials on the screens’ tackable fabric. Locking corner casters help hold the partitions in place, giving it necessary sturdiness for an area with a lot of movement, like a hallway. Especially in a location with little kids running around, a barrier that can endure in case of accidents is essential. The school administrators find great value in these dividers for their group instruction space and want to add more of them into their budget plans in the future.

Divide Classrooms • Reduce Noise • Display Materials

Browse Educational Dividers


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