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Church Backstage Area

Market: Religious
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The Location

Bridgewater Baptist Church- Montrose, PA

The Challenge

Create an adaptable backstage area using room dividers

The Solution

Churches these days are becoming more and more modern in how they style their facility. A common design these days includes an auditorium-style worshipping space with a stage in the front like shown in the picture. However, what happens when there is no built-in backstage area? Bridgewater Baptist Church realized that they needed to create their own area for a clean-looking backstage. By using Screenflex Dividers, Bridgewater made their own adaptable, sleek behind the scenes area of the stage.

As shown, Bridgewater placed two Standard Dividers by the stage, one on either side. This mobile area gives the pastor and other leaders privacy before they speak or perform. While the partitions shown are positioned all the way open in a straight line, there’s a variety of other shapes they can also fold into. For instance, if the church wanted more privacy in the backstage area, they could also fold their partitions into a 90 degree angle towards the wall to create a partially closed room. These dividers also can absorb some sound which can help their large room not produce harsh echoes. In addition to all these features, the black panels match their decor!

Divide Fellowship Space • Reduce Noise • Display Materials

Browse Religious Dividers


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