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Blanchard Baptist Church Testimony

The Location

Blanchard Baptist Church

The Challenge

Block the light from entering a glass entrance

The Solution

Our sales associate, Lourdes, received this lovely letter from the Blanchard Baptist Church.  They purchased a room divider to block the light from entering a glass entrance.  The dividers also absorb sound throughout their facility.

Dear Lourdes:

You were very helpful to me in getting my previous order for the Screenflex filled and delivered in a timely fashion as well in providing all available discounts.  We are very pleased with our new screen.  It even helps lessen the echo to some degree in our fellowship area.

We are now considering the purchase of two more of the Designer Walnut screens to use at the front of our fellowship area (to provide a corridor/walkway between our preschool building and office hallway which goes right through the new fellowship area).  They would also be a barrier between foot traffic and a Sunday School class that will meet in that area and be used to cover the windows in our kitchen/serving area whenever we have events that warrant using them for such.  We hope they will also help improve the sound in that area. 

This photo shows how the screen is being used to block sunlight and glare through our front glass entrance.  This was at our dedication yesterday. 

Thanks for your help

Mr. Dale Sauls

Blanchard First Baptist Church

Divide Fellowship Space • Reduce Noise • Display Materials

Browse Religious Dividers


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