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Are My Screenflex Room Dividers Easy To Maintain?

Longevity of Your Room Dividers

I love talking about the longevity of our room dividers. Many of our customers own and use Screenflex room dividers throughout the years, then come back to buy more because of the great quality and workmanship that they experience.

Vertical lines of lines and boxes with a checkmark in the middle box Each divider will undergo a 20 point quality and workmanship check to make sure that your divider arrives the way you expect it should.

We are often told that the dividers look even prettier in person than they do online.

Preserving Your Room Dividers

In order to keep the long life and appearance of your dividers and writing surfaces we recommend the following procedures:

Fabric -Screenflex divider fabrics are woven with 100% polyester fiber which will stay colorfast to standard cleaning procedures. Our fabrics have low absorption properties and are dirt and grime resistant so they shouldn’t stay on the surface of the fabric.

  1.  Avoid excess brushing or rubbing during cleaning.
  2.  Always pre-test cleaning agents in a small area of fabric
  3.  If you find oil or grease on your divider, try the blotting technique.
  4.  For general dirt, use a mild detergent or upholstery cleaner.
  5. To maintain the condition of the fabric, frequent vacuuming or light brushing is recommended.
Marker Board-Use Dry Erase or Water Based Markers Only!
  1. Wash with clean water, using a clean soft cloth.
  2. Remove stains with a mild liquid such as dishwasher soap.
  3. Do not use abrasive cleaners! These could scratch the surface of your Marker Board.
  4. If an oil-based or permanent marker has stained your Marker Board, try using a dry erase marker to remove the stains.
  5. Bleach and water can also be used if number 4. doesn’t work.
  6. Glass cleaner should only be used occasionally.
Pinning on Your Divider Panels
  1. It is best to remove push-pins and other raised objects from panels before closing.
If you have any questions regarding care and cleaning, you can call Customer Service at 1-800-553-0110.
Happy customers hold a thank you sign up for their Screenflex room dividers
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