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Display Towers That Are Economical and Functional

A woman tacks an image onto a 3-panel display tower and a man stands next to a 6-panel display tower

Screenflex Room Dividers ~ Hinged Economical Display Towers

Did you know we make several models of display towers? These are hinged sets of panels affixed to caster wheels. They can be swung open to create a beautiful display.  The 3 winged towers provide you with 6 tackable surfaces and the 6 winged model offers you 12-panel surfaces.  The panels are pinnable and tackable.  The display tower is made from the same closed cell honeycomb core, double layered fiberglass, and fabric covering used for our standard room dividers panels.  There are 38 colors available to choose from. In fact, you may choose to put a different color on each panel.  Sturdy and attractive, the display panels easily accept staples, push pins, and thumbtacks.

We have received great feedback from art teachers who have used Screenflex Display Towers to showcase student artwork. The towers roll on caster wheels with ease and are easy to set up in the needed space. The display towers arrive fully assembled and ready to use.

Check them out in this video.

Divide Rooms • Reduce Noise • Display Art

Browse Art Display Dividers


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