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Screenflex Light Duty Dividers

Screenflex Light Duty Divider Solutions

Two rooms using Screenflex Light Duty Dividers

Side by Side Classrooms 3D

Two rooms using dividers

Screenflex Light Duty Dividers – A Simple Solution~

The congregation at Capernaum Church of Christ had a nice problem. They were out of Sunday school space but needed 2 additional classrooms. Their fellowship hall was 21 feet by 37 feet, which was ample room to put the 2 smaller classrooms that were needed. How would they do it? They wanted portable accordion-like walls which were acoustical and tackable. By using only 4 Screenflex Light Duty Dividers they accomplished their goal and created two new rooms which are both approximately 132 sq. ft. The dividers store in less than 30 sq. ft. when folded for storage.

Last Updated:
By: Kathy


Browse Room Dividers


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