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Storage Space Issues Solved

Solution for storage space issues

Storage space issues solved with room dividers

Room Dividers Solve Storage Space Issues

First Baptist church is a beautiful building and is laid out very well. However, when the planners designed the building they did not anticipate the growth spurt they have had. They realized portable acoustical walls would need to be used to create Sunday school rooms in their Fellowship Hall. But where would they store them? One member did a Google search and learned of Screenflex Portable Room Dividers. The dividers not only set up in minutes but are also acoustical dividers which when folded for storage take up very little storage space. Since the dividers nest within each other, the 15 dividers used to create the large rooms they need only take up an area 5 by 125 feet! Storage space is not an issue!

Last Updated:
By: Kathy


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