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Architects Recommend Screenflex Room Dividers

Architects suggest screenflex dividers

Architects recommend Screenflex Room Dividers

Architects recommend Screenflex Room Dividers for your spacing needs

Architects specify Screenflex Dividers


Architects Recommend Screenflex Room Dividers to Maximize Space

Architects know what to build as well as what NOT to build. Today’s trend is to design large open rooms that can be used for multiple uses, such as meetings, classes, tutoring, art shows and so much more.  In this plan, the customer has a large open space but has a need to create six separate conference rooms.  As a result, the architects recommend Screenflex portable walls as a simple and effective solution.  The walls roll into position to create the much-needed space. When they need the large space again, they simple roll the dividers into storage.  It really is just that easy!

Last Updated:
By: Kathy


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