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Medical Workstation Dividers

Market: Healthcare
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The Location

Clinic in Layton, Utah

The Challenge

Divide hospital space for private patient areas

The Solution

Organization and privacy are essential in a healthcare facility. Since these environments are so reactive, healthcare workers need a facility that allows them to adapt as needed. As a solution, many healthcare offices are finding temporary space division to be a valuable asset. For this reason, this medical clinic chose Screenflex portable dividers to help section off each workstation

In this photo, white Standard Room dividers partially surround individual stations within the clinic. While more freestanding dividers need to remain in an accordion-style setup, this is not necessarily the case with Screenflex partitions. Since these temporary walls have an end frame that supports them at all times, they are capable of creating other shapes in addition to the accordion fold. This example shows two room dividers in a rounded-u shape. This feature allows more adaptability in any facility usage.

Another popular feature showcased in the photo is Screenflex’s tackable fabric. This fabric is meant to allow signage and other displays to easily attach to the panels without damage upon removal. Also, for ease of storage, these panels quickly close up to a 2ft by 3ft space. These durable, adaptable room dividers are the best tool addition for any medical workstation.

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