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Expand Church Gym Space With Room Dividers

The Location

Savory United Methodist Church

The Challenge

Divide multi-purpose room in multiple rooms

The Solution

 Expand Church Gym Availability

Savory United Methodist Church (UMC) has a beautiful gymnasium used for many functions.  Often times these functions occur simultaneously.  In order to create privacy for both groups, the church contacted Screenflex Portable Room Dividers for help.  The Screenflex sales team listened to the needs of Savory UMC and discovered one of our stock room dividers was just the answer to their needs.  In order to provide privacy, a team member opens the accordion style room divider panels to create a separation between the two functions.  As an added bonus, Screenflex Room Dividers absorb sound within the space allowing for a more intimate experience for each group.  Screenflex Room Dividers are available in 36 sizes and 38 colors.

Divide Fellowship Space • Reduce Noise • Display Materials

Browse Religious Dividers


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