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Portable Dressing Room for Events

The Location

Winona State University

The Challenge

Create a dressing area for college international night

The Solution

When you have an interactive event of any kind, sometimes the performers need a place for a quick change into a costume or other clothing. Winona State University, in particular, hosts an international night where they needed privacy and a portable dressing room. After reaching out to Screenflex, the organizers of this event were able to find the perfect solution for their needs.

Working with a Screenflex representative, our contact at Winona State created the desired quick change area for their international night. Their Screenflex Standard Partitions are 6’8 in height, easily shielding the average person from view. The dividers can also fold into a right-angle to create the illusion of a traditional square-shaped room. By connecting two of these screens together, they could temporarily make a brand new space. These easy-to-open walls offer those who need a quick change the privacy they require. Additionally, since these partitions are on self-leveling casters, this college has not only a new dressing room in their facility but a portable one at that. Since many spaces in the building may need a changing room, this feature gives your facility easy flexibility.

Screenflex moveable room dividers can provide you with the necessary space solutions for your next event, show, or performance.

Divide Classrooms • Reduce Noise • Display Materials

Browse Educational Dividers


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